Times are tough everywhere and the statistics on unemployment are frankly more than a little frightening. It is therefore important to know how to search, apply and get a job in Ghana in order to have a fighting chance in the ever competitive job market. The census carried out in the country have been inconclusive on where Ghana stands in terms of unemployment with the last available number being from the census carried out in 2000 where the unemployment rate was reported at 11%.
The unwillingness to share this information is supposedly meant to prevent alarm among the public but instead achieving that, the effect has rather been counterproductive which is why this article will try and provide information on how to search, apply and get a job in Ghana.
How to Search, Apply and Get a Job in Ghana
Working in the Digital Era
In this digital generation where everything has moved online, it is easier to search for job opportunities on the internet or even start and run a business online. There is a number of websites that run adverts on the job vacancies available in different fields around the country. These adverts contain information on the requirements needed to get the job, a description of what the job entails and salary.
These websites provide portals for anyone interested to apply for the job they want online. This makes communication between the prospective employer and employee easier and more hassle-free. However, some of these websites are scams and one should be careful to avoid getting duped. Legitimate sites will not ask for money beforehand for the job. It would also be prudent to avoid giving personal details that may compromise your security or finances.
See Also: Top 10 Job sites in Ghana 2014
Employment Opportunities in Ghana
Although unemployment is rampant in the country, there are plenty of opportunities for those who are educated or with skills. There are several fields that hold amazing employment opportunities from the oil industry to the UN and of course, including businesses. Currently, the oil industry and the UN hold the best jobs in the country not only in terms of salary but also in terms of the benefits that come with the career. There are also opportunities in the banking sector and the IT industry is especially promising since people trained in information technology are able to work in any other sector.
To get a chance to work in any of these industries, the internet is your best friend. Ghana has predominantly been an agricultural country and is the second-largest producer of cocoa beans in the world. Agriculture is the most important sector in the country and offers a lot of employment opportunities and not just in farms but in supply as well as influencing other sectors.
The Best Paying Jobs
There are a number of career choices that provide the opportunity to take home a hefty bundle. These include careers in the gas, energy, mining and oil industries, accountants in the accounting and finance industries, geotechnical engineers in the engineering field, business analysts in information technology, professors of English, customer service executives in call centers and customer services, human resources managers, operations managers in executive and management, project managers also in executive and management or transportation supervisors or shipping supervisors in the courier, delivery or transport industries and sales representatives in the wholesale or retail industries. Careers in any of these fields would make for a very financially rewarding job.
Tips to Create the Best Job Application
The job market is tough and every employer wants the absolute best which is why it is important to create a job application that stands out. The first thing to do is to make the application easy to read and match the text with the requirements of the job that you are applying for. The language should align with the job that you are applying for and that the important bits are highlighted in your job application.
Any unnecessary information should be left out as it may be off-putting to the employer. The most important thing to remember is to do your homework on the industry or company that you would like to join and prepare adequately to ensure that the first impression a prospective employer gets of you will get you through their doors.