On the internet, you can be whatever and whoever you want and it’s so refreshing that many people choose to be plain hilarious. Wonderfully, everyone enjoys a good laugh and everyone’s sense of humor varies. But we did not know that Yahoo can serve as an amazing comic relief until we came compiled these funny Yahoo questions people ask, and the funny answers they get as well. In fact, the questions got us wondering if their authors really need an answer or they just want to be funny. Some are silly and crazy while others are plain stupid, but we can assure you that the Yahoo questions are great for having a good laugh.
What’s funnier is that they are almost as dumb as the answers they get and they will certainly leave the reader laughing out loud. While not all the questions have some incredibly funny answers, both the answered and unanswered questions can lead to interesting deeper talks because they all seem to really get you be in wonder of what was on the minds of those that came up with the questions. Take a look at the over 50 funny Yahoo questions and answers below.
Here’s someone imagining the unthinkable. Well, until you eat yourself we will find out how that went down and probably tell you!
Shouldn’t this question be directed to uncle cat?
Obviously, this user has been eating so many caterpillars
It was probably initiated by someone who tried making bras for female cows
Guessing it will get so heavy that you might need a trolley to move it around. Don’t add any more files leave it empty!!!
Read Also: 70 Funny Questions You Can Ask a Girl to Make the Day Lively
Will we let you know after we figure that out?
Maybe to reduce the level of insanity in the world
Tell your friend not to bother, like the answers correctly said, she had too much to eat.
We think she must be bald by now
Yes, you’ve committed a serious crime killing ant….who does that?
Well, our best advice is, next time you go there, tell them you are looking for a lonely prisoner.
Get some money, get a full body surgery to look like him and then use his exact tattoos.
Her husband is still in the future
Just keep calling it, one day it will answer you!!
You need to go to class later
Just dump his ass and get someone to smoke with you
Maybe you should adopt your parents as well
It disappears after 18 hours…literally!!!
It is pacifically large!!
It simply means you need some smartness
When you say many things but no one picks something out of it
Because it feels you are already filled with so much dirt to have more dirt.
Maybe you should just spend a few hours in a squished up ball and see how great you will look!!
When last did you go for your routine hearing checkup?
They basically stay indoors.
They borrow other people’s birth dates
You should get another guy to be sure he is one!!
No, they just feel themselves
No, they only have water paper
How did he not know he was in the hands of some child molesters
Just leave
Your making a lot of sense!
Ask your dog, he should know better
It says you’ll burn
If you mean baby freshwater fish, then yeah it is
If your partner took drugs before sex, then yes
Check other planets
Women do have an erection too
It must be really harmful to the bees’ kidney
Maybe Nicolas Cage is a cage for animals…right?
Just marry your dog
Spider saliva would get it double the size in one sip
You should ask those who have killed themselves before
Yes, it could be an important call.
Not our business
How correct can it get?
People who have been through hell have done worse things, so yes!!
Simply transfer your fat to the guy next door
Remember, these answers are just for the laughs but we can’t say the same for the questions. Some who asked actually needed answers while others did for fun. But in all, they are all hilarious and require sarcastic answers.