Stereotyping is a very common occurrence in the society. More often than not, people will have a notion about something believing it to be true, only to find out later that it was in fact a fallacy. Stereotyping is not only limited to small groupings or personal level, but will also apply to states as well as countries. In this article, we’ve decided to look at 10 most common stereotypes of Ghanaians that are not true.
1. Ghanaians Resemble Nigerians
Ghanaians and Nigerians are the same people. They come from the same region; share the same beliefs, traditions, and culture. This notion is quite common especially in the Western countries. To them, it is just like two sides of the same coin. However, this is far from the truth. Despite the two countries not even sharing a common border, they consist of totally different tribes, culture, accent, appearance, different forms of governance, and also political setting.
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2. Hunters and Gatherers
Natives of Ghana are mostly hunters and gatherers who mainly depend on the wild for sustenance. The communities which live deep inside the forests/ jungle use an axe to hunt down animals. Unfortunately, this is not true. Ghana has a very small percentage of forest cover. In fact, the farming communities are not even involved in hunting and gathering.
3. Chiefdoms
Ghanaians do not have a well developed modern system of governance. The communities are widely scattered all over the jungle and constitute of small chiefdoms or kingdoms ruled by a traditional king or chief. This may be attributed to the many movies that portray this picture. Truth of the matter is that though chiefdoms and kingdoms did exist many decades ago, they are now almost none existent. The people are governed by a modern central Government.
4. All Ghanaians Believe In Black Magic
Outsiders always believe that black magic forms part and parcel of livelihood of Ghanaians. This belief is also rife among the locals who also belief the same of the Ewe tribe. The use of juju is what makes them succeed in scholarly activities. Most people who are educationally inclined come from this tribe. However, this may be true to an extent in time past. But now, Christianity is the dominant religion practiced in Ghana, and of course Christianity has nothing to do with juju.
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5. Ashanti – Braggers and Love to Splash Money all over
Men from the Ashanti tribe suffer from superiority complex. And in order to cover up the shortcoming they always tend to boast about everything. The men are known to live large as well as throwing cash around as a way of boosting their egos. This is not always so, as the Ashantis are really hard working and ambitious people.
6. Ga people – Big Talkers and Stingy
Ga is one of the major ethnic groups in Ghana. The Ga people particularly men are believed to be big talkers. They love showing off their intellectual capacity, and also participating in any public discussion. However, despite always wanting to be noticed in the public, they are very stingy with their money. I leave that to you to judge if its always so or not.
7. Answer a Question With A question
This is one of the most unique stereotypes about Ghanaians. Though not so widespread, many people believe that Ghanaians by default tend to answer a question with a question. For instance if you were to ask a person where he is going, he would respond back asking why you wanted to know.
8. Kwahu Men are Business Minded
People from Kwahu tribe always look forward to running a business rather than being employed. They are also very astute businessmen. Strange enough, with their business prowess, the Kwahu men do not believe in putting their money in the bank. They find the home a much better option despite the amount.
9. Polygamous
Outsiders also have a notion that in Ghana, being polygamous is highly valued. Every young man grows up knowing that to be regarded as being a social achiever; you must marry at least two wives. This stereotype is also experienced in the local setting where men from the Dagombe tribe who are tall, dark, as well as handsome always have a couple of wives.
10. Fanti Men Are Romantic
Men from the Fanti tribe are very romantic. A man would rather work for 16 hours to ensure he provides everything to his woman who is also supposed to stay at home. Although they are romantic, they are also too honest hence are easily taken for a ride by women and do not make good politicians.
Also see – Top 100+ Famous Ghanaians that Ever Lived
The above are some of the most notable labelling on Ghanaians that are false. Stereotyping will always exist in the community. However, it has become much easier and more convenient to actually confirm the truth about the labelling thanks to information technology.
Do you think this is true? Please, share your views with us at the comment session.